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To: The Environmental Protection Authority and Mornington Peninsula Council

"Stop the Rubbish Tip! Save Arthurs Seat"

This campaign has ended.

To the EPA and Mornington Peninsula Shire Councillors,

The Ross Trust via its company Peninsula Waste Management (PWM) have submitted a Planning Application to develop a municipal rubbish tip in the old Pioneer quarry on Arthurs Seat in Dromana, adjacent to the State Park.
The EPA has had 850 objections to this tip. You have heard from the community, experts in all areas pertaining to the dangers it poses and you have requested a lot of further information about its operation from Peninsula Waste Management. The EPA also conducted a 20B conference which 450 community members attended and at which PWM failed to address our concerns. If this tip goes ahead it could set a precedent that would mitigate against the considerable gains made in recent years to recyle, create clean energy from waste and stop landfills, which are a 20th Century solution to waste management.

If the council honour the original plan to convert the quarry into a reserve, it can be a community resource that would link the two sections of the State Park that adjoin it, creating a wild life corridor for native species and the reserve could be utilised by Diving Groups as a training area for cave diving, be used for bird spotting and a. brilliant resource for rock climbing and Outdoor Education.
We want the EPA and the Council to reject this application. We don't need a tip- there are better alternatives which the Council should consider, some of which appear in their own waste managemenst reports and on their website.

Why is this important?

This is an action by Peninsula Preservation Group Inc.

We want Australians to know about an environmental disaster planned for one of the most naturally beautiful areas in Australia and the threats to fauna and flora and destruction of a prime tourist area for people from all over the world.
This tip would be allowed to accept putrid household rubbish, chemicals and asbestos. Our science experts advise that the proposed tip liner will leak highly toxic waste into Sheepwash Creek which runs into the Bay, the water table and aquifer upon which residents, farms and businesses rely. As well a tip in this very bushy area presents an extreme fire risk. At present it has not been used for years and has filled up with rainwater and is a beautiful blue lake. There are native animals and birds using the site as a habitat. The site is in a highly protected area and the Mornington Peninsula Shire was supposed to oversee the conversion of the site to a lake, lagoons, wetlands, walking tracks and picnic areas for the residents of the Peninsula. Please make sure the Council we elected, do what they are supposed to do.This beautiful pristine area of the Mornington Peninsula is covered in State Park, vineyards, farms, orchards and is popular with tourists and local families to relax and enjoy the natural environment.
The noise, odours and pollution that a tip will produce will utterly spoil this area.

This issue needs addressing as soon as possible and your contribution of signing will help the cause. Visit our website for more information

How it will be delivered

We have been delivering hand signed petitions to the Ross Trust (over 8,000) since February and will deliver this petition to the EPA as soon as PWM has finihsed lodging their additional information and when the Council has to make a decision.
We will also stage a press conference.
Our main objections are:
1. No need for a tip
2. Pollutants and water issues
3. High Fire Risk
4. Damage to flora and fauna
5. Financial and physical impact on community and businesses



8 years ago

Petition is successful with 13,056 signatures

9 years ago

Petition is successful with 13,050 signatures

11 years ago

Petition is successful with 13029 signatures

11 years ago

The EPA have just announced that they have REJECTED the Planning Application by PWM (Ross Trust)!
Great news and a major win for all of us who oppose the tip! So, we can now target the Council.
Thanks to all of the people power we have the first step to winning our battle!

11 years ago
This is for a Human Sign we are going to have an aerial photo of, 25 August. Follow link for details.

11 years ago

The EPA has now notified all those who submitted objections to the Planning Application by PSM (Ross Trust). Over 850! There will be a special 20B conference for you to attend where you get the opportunity to ask questions of PWM. Go to our website to see what we recommend.

11 years ago

July 10 2013
PPG is going to coordinate a HUGE distribution of 50,000 flyers across the Peninsula. This task will require many hands. If you (and friends / relatives) are able to volunteer your much valued services for a letterbox drop, please email Lee Burton. If you would like to become a member of PPG let Lee know.

11 years ago

UPDATE 1 July 2013
The Ross Trust via their company Peninsula Waste Management (PWM) have submitted a Planning Application to the EPA and Mornington Peninsula Shire. The EPA advertised the application and objections were allowed until 19 June. The EPA have recieved over 850 objections! Thanks to all of our supporters who submitted objections.!
The Council will advertise when they will receive objections and you will be notified by email so that you can write your own.

11 years ago

10000 signatures reached